UPAA-NL Donates Funds for the Structured Cabling of the UP Library

January 30, 2011

UPAA-NL proudly announces that in October 2010, the structured cabling of the UP Main Library building was successfully installed. UPAA-NL funded this milestone development. The structured cabling provides a more powerful and stable infrastructure to host the Diliman network, consisting of 35 libraries, and an additional 40 libraries in the constituent universities of the UP System. This has enabled the UP Library to develop a new website offering new and expanded library and information services.

In 2007, UPAA-NL initially pledged to donate five servers to the UP Main Library. In August 2008, the first server was delivered to the UP Main Library and paid for by UPAA-NL. This server now hosts the Main Library website.

The new website now has a badge (logo) and a brand statement (slogan) “Discovering connections, connecting discoveries”, including Services: Ask-a-Librarian, integration with Facebook and WordPress blog, Widgets that provide quick search on subscribed online databases, Listen and Learn PodCasts for tutorials, flash reports and updates on new/recent services, e.g., LibRadio (Librarians on Air at DZUP 1602). Links to the Local Databases, Electronic Resources (including UP Diliman Journals Online), Online Request Forms (for Extended Reading, Document Delivery, and Library Orientation/Tours) are available at the left menu of the website.

In 2009, the UP Main Library needed permanent structured cabling for a stable network connection. The equivalent amount for one server was used instead for the structured cabling of the Main Library Building. 

UPAA-NL is currently lining up activities in 2011 to fulfill its pledge.

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